Holiday greetings from the Gentile Family!
The kids are thriving this year. A sophomore at
Sarah Lawrence, David is loving his academic life, including this semester
stage managing a production of Marie
Antoinette as the project for one of his classes. His very sweet
girlfriend, Hannah, shares his interest in theatre production but is at SLC for
premed. Hallelujah with a side of cowbell, she’s also teaching David how to
drive. She’s in line for a lifetime supply of homemade cookies or maybe even
some cold hard cash if she can actually get him a pretty little driver’s
license all his own. She’s a bit of a Renaissance woman. Speaking of which, how picky is spellcheck at spelling “Renaissance?” There’s
5 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.
I am still at Dana Farber a day or two a week, and
have also done some volunteering at the Greater Boston Food bank. Every now and
then I think about gainful employment. Then I think about all the new people
I’d have to meet, and all my weirdo quirks and foibles I’d have to explain or
hide and I sigh and shrug my shoulders and go back to my rainbow hair and my
knitting. I’m putting the finishing
touches on the blanket I’m knitting for Geof. David got his blanket in time for
freshman year at SLC, but Geof certainly won’t be taking his to basic training,
so I want him to have it before he goes.
I spend a remarkable amount of time cleaning up
cat poop and dog pee. Or dog poop and cat pee. I don’t keep track. All I know
is the clock is ticking on these animals and every time I clean up one mess or
another, every time the contents of the kitchen trash can get spread across the
entire first floor of my house, every time I choke on animal fur free floating
in the air, I remind them that extraordinary life-sustaining measures become
less and less likely. Still, Zoet does her doggie things, and the Scruffy,
Pixel, and Momo do their kitty things and all stays balanced in the world.
So, that’s it from us this year. We all hope you have a safe and wonderful
rest of this year, and a happy and healthy 2016.
Wow, congratulations and happy New year!